Here’s the code to properly calculate the relevance of a todo list item:
Function Relevance(ByRef pStatus As String, ByRef pdLastUpdate As Date, ByRef pdDue As Date) As String 'calculates the relevance of an item based on the parameters 'possible results: ' - old (done and hasn't been touched for x days - constant ncUnchangedForDays) ' - future (open and due after the next y days - constant ncDueInDays ' or someday) ' - current (open and due in the next y days - constant ncDueInDays ' or closed with the last x days - constant ncUnchangedForDays) Const ncDueInDays = 7 Const ncUnchangedForDays = 3 Select Case pStatus Case ToDo.scStatusClosed If pdLastUpdate < Now() - ncUnchangedForDays Then Relevance = scRelevanceOld Else Relevance = scRelevanceCurrent End If Case ToDo.scStatusSomeday Relevance = scRelevanceFuture Case Else 'at least "open" If pdDue < Now() + ncDueInDays Then Relevance = scRelevanceCurrent Else Relevance = scRelevanceFuture End If End Select End Function
It’s important to properly name the parameters, I have not yet found out a way to provide more detailed help to the wizard or to properly format the parameter values.
The code used the following constants to define status and relevance values:
Public Const scStatusOpen = "open" Public Const scStatusClosed = "done" Public Const scStatusWaiting = "waiting" Public Const scStatusSomeday = "someday" Public Const scRelevanceCurrent = "current" Public Const scRelevanceOld = "old" Public Const scRelevanceFuture = "future"
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